Gail’s Introduction Post

Hey Folks! It’s Gail! (She/Her/Hers)

Audio coming soon!

Hey Folks! It’s Gail! (She/Her/Hers) 

Meagan and I decided to ease into all this blogging business with some get to know you posts! So without further ado, here are my answers to the 30 questions we selected.

1.What is your philosophy of life?

A: If you’re not having fun, why do it?

2. Who do you quote?

A: John Mulaney and other comics, Showtune lyrics, Cartoons from my childhood.

3. What are your pet peeves?

A: Backed in cars, restaurant chains who abandon knick-knack decor.

4. Do you have any pets?

A: A tabby cat named Monty  (=^・ω・^=)

5. What advice would you give your younger self?

A: Cherish every moment with your loved ones. You are beautiful and worthy of love and humanity no matter your size.

6. What do you love to hate?

A: Dr. Oz

7. What are your hobbies?

A: Listening to podcasts, watching Youtubers, playing DnD online with Meagan, my boyfriend and our friend Jay.

8. What is your favorite animal?

A: Gorillas. I love Disney’s Tarzan and when I was little I attended the first birthday party of a gorilla named Kira at the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston. She was transferred to the Philadelphia zoo a few years ago and now she’s a mommy!

9. What place would you most like to visit?

A: Hmmm, a lot of different places for different reasons. I’d like to go to Israel one day cause I’m Jewish but the political situation there makes it difficult.  I’d like to go to England for all the literary and theater history

10. What is your favorite song?

A: A good standby of mine is “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield cause ya know, writing. But I generally enjoy various pop songs and artists and of course showtunes.

11. What is your favorite color?

A: I have different favorites for different vibes I guess. I like blue-green teal-like colors most of the time, but I also enjoy purples. Orange however, is my power color!

12. Favorite food?

A: I always enjoy a good sour pickle. Other faves include salmon and Red Velvet Cake. (I refuse to accept that it’s just dyed chocolate, to me it has a distinct flavor if made right and topped with cream cheese frosting!)

13. Favorite Book/piece of lit/Author?

A: I enjoy Neil Gaiman’s works. In school I enjoyed reading Fahrenheit 451 and my favorite YA author growing up was Brenna Yovanoff. If you like horror/fantasy with some romance I’d recommend her work.

14. Favorite celebs?

A: Again John Mulaney. Bo Burnham, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Billy Porter and the entire cast of Pose, Lizzo, Rachel Bloom and The McElroy Bros. (I’m probably forgetting others that I will kick myself for not mentioning here)

15. What is in your fridge:

A: Writing this during Covid-19 quarantine so probably lots of bread?

16. What is on your bedside table?

A: My alarm clock, a night light, maybe some jewelry and or a doll.

17. What is in your car?

A: I do not drive. There is the family car that’s usually pretty messy TBH but that’s life.

18. What is in your bin?

A: Cat food cans, paper cups and plates.

19. What is in your purse or wallet?

A: Wallet, change purse, mini notebook and pen, mirror, lil troll doll for luck.

20. What is in your pockets?

A: sometimes my phone, tissues, random trinkets I acquired throughout the day

21. What is your most treasured possession

A: My favorite teddy bear.

22. Are you superstitious?

A: Only theater superstitions.

23. What would they like to be reincarnated as?

A: I’d like to be a gorilla honestly. Very close to human capabilities and living in a big  loving community.

24. What is the animal you most identify as?

A: Probably also a gorilla.

25. What is your zodiac sign?

A: Meagan and I are both dumbass Pisces!

26. What is the soft drink of choice?

A: Diet coke

27. What is your alcoholic drink of choice?

A: mixed drinks that include Malibu Rum.

28. What would you do if they won the lottery?

A: Realistically I’d take care of important stuff like student loans, getting new homes for myself and my family. More extravagantly, I’d go on a big trip, see lots of Broadway shows and buy random crap I have always wanted.

29. What is your favorite fairytale?

A: Princess and the Pea and Rumplestilskin are underrated ones.

30. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose?

A: Shape Shifting. I feel like you get a lot of bonus basic powers as a result and it would be cool to alter your appearance for different situations or transform into an object or animal.

So there you have it. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a bit. I cannot wait to read people’s work and get to know our submitters!

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Gail Bello is a poet and playwright from Waltham, Massachusetts. She graduated in 2019 with a BFA in Creative Writing and a minor in Theatre from The University of Maine at Farmington. Find her previous publications at and follow her on Twitter @AquajadeGail