Meagan’s Introduction Post

Hey crow enthusiasts! My name is Meagan.

Audio coming soon!

Hey crow enthusiasts! My name is Meagan (she/her or they/them). I’m a co-founder of Crow Name Studios, along with my wonderful friend Gail (check out her introductory blog to know more about her). Join me as I fill in a character questionnaire about myself. We have a nice selection of 30 questions.

  1. What is your philosophy of life?
    1. There are a lot of things that you can’t control, so it’s best to live in the present and have fun. 
  2. Who do you quote?
    1. A lot of John Mulaney and Vines. Also Tik Toks now. 
  3. What are your pet peeves?
    1. Snoring. 
  4. Do you have any pets?
    1. Several! I have a dog named Toby (my baby, a Goldendoodle) and a cat (she’s a beautiful orange tabby named Sam) – I also currently live with my sister, who also owns a little tiny black void dog named Naomi. My Golden Retriever, Daisy, has recently passed away suddenly (we miss you, love you Honey Bun). 
  5. What advice would you give your younger self?
    1. Oh, won’t you please stop taking grades so seriously? Just. Maybe. Let yourself off the hook (they don’t matter anyway).
  6. What do you love to hate?
    1. The ending of the second season of The Flash (Barry don’t you dare go back in time again goddamn you!!).
  7. What are your hobbies?
    1. Writing (though it’s less of a hobby and more like my job now), listening to crime podcasts (shoutout to Morbid: A True Crime Podcast), D&D, and watching anime. 
  8. What is your favorite animal?
    1. Honestly? The American Toad. They’re everywhere where I live, and they’re just so pudgy and cute. I loved catching those when I was little. Though, you do have to be careful about them peeing on you. 
  9. What place would you most like to visit?
    1. I want to visit Perth, Australia. Not because I haven’t been there, but because I spent a semester there in college, and I really miss it. 
  10. What is your favorite song?
    1. If I told y’all my favorite song now, it would be a lie in a week, so I’m going to have to skip this. I will say that I typically go for rock music though. 
  11. What is your favorite color?
    1. Right now, it’s bright red. 
  12. Favorite food?
    1. The gingerbread my Grandma used to make. She still sometimes makes it, but now I’m the one who usually does (she gets to ask me excitedly when it’s done). 
  13. Favorite Book/piece of lit/Author?
    1. I love to love Percy Jackson for my childhood. And my favorite book is The Martian by Andy Weir. 
  14. Favorite celebs?
    1. John Mulaney and Bill Hader.
  15. What is in your fridge:
    1. String cheese, eggs, samosas, yogurt, pickles, Lactaid milk, salsa.
  16. What is on your bedside table?
    1. All the cords. You looking for a cord for a random piece of electronics? It’s on my bedside table. Also, a cute little plush flying pig – his nose is a magnet 😉
  17. What is in your car?
    1. A dog blanket and sometimes presents I hide from my family (guys, don’t look in my car)
  18. What is in your trash?
    1. Uh. Trash. 
  19. What is in your purse or wallet?
    1. Debit/credit cards, a bit of cash, my book store club card…
  20.  What is in your pockets?
    1. My phone. If I have pockets.
  21. What is your most treasured possession?
    1. My Winnie the Pooh teddy bear I got when I was four. 
  22.  Are you superstitious?
    1. Only when I see weird shadows out of the corner of my eye at 1 am. 
  23.  What would you like to be reincarnated as?
    1. A cat. 
  24.  What is the animal you most identify as?
    1. A dog. 
  25.  What is your zodiac sign?
    1. Pisces. 
  26.  What is the soft drink of choice?
    1. I don’t drink soda…
  27.  What is your alcoholic drink of choice?
    1. Mimosas.
  28.  What would you do if you won the lottery?
    1. Uh, pay off all my and my family debt. Obviously. Then with the 50 cents left over, take a vacation. 
  29.  What is your favorite fairytale?
    1. Hansel and Gretel.
  30.  If they could have a superpower, what would they choose?
    1. Teleportation. There is no other option.

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Meagan Jones is a writer and artist from Southern Maine. She graduated in 2019 from the University of Maine at Farmington with a Creative Writing BFA and a Spanish minor. Check out her personal website at and follow her on Twitter @supernarra